
This term is my first term to study multimedia. We’ve learned about how to research that using technology and digital tools effectively and efficiently, InDesign, Photoshop, Lightroom, and introduction to programming. I have improved a lot about the multimedia skills that I just mentioned above.

On the first week, we learned about researching skill. Researching skill helps us to find the answer we want easily and sometimes it may guide to the answer you may or may not expect. I could more some useful tips to do research such as using specific words that are unique to your topic, using quotation marks to search for specific phrases and using And, Or, Not.

Later after we learned about InDesign, Photoshop and Lightroom, I created a one page poster in InDesign. In that poster, it included an image I edited in Photoshop and an image on Lightroom. My topic in the poster was about Eiffel tower. I have been researching about that. By the way, I could learn about the Adobe skills and researching skills.

Edited in Lightroom (Eiffel Tower in France)
Edited in Photoshop (Eiffel Tower in France)

On the last week, We learned about algorithm which one of the most interesting concepts about this class. We did different activities throughout this course. Algorithm is the instructions that help to calculate the answer to a problem with a limited of time by using efficient formula. An example of an algorithm we worked on in class this week, is about n(n+1)/2. It is the algorithm of solving the problem that was about finding the sum of 1 to 200 which means find the sum of adding 1+2+3……+200.n stand for the biggest number of the problem had given which is 200. We take 200 plus 1, time with 200 and then divide by 2. Then, we will the find the answer.

Another algorithm that we’ve learned is about divide and conquer which help to calculate the answer to an problem. For example, when the whole number we want to solve might be too big, so we need to break it up into equal two parts and then divide it into half and half again. So that we can find an algorithm to our problem.

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