First Experience As Deputy Chair in Khmer Model United Nations, 2020

Throughout my Model UN career, I was always represented as a delegate. Nevertheless, this year in Model UN in Khmer, I was going to step on a more challenging, yet a new experience to even make it a more glorious journey. In February 2020, Liger Leadership Academy hosted another MUN conference to all the Liger delegates. This conference was one of the most incredible adventures I have attended since it was full of excitement and joy. 

Being a deputy chair of a committee, I required to write a chair report in the Khmer language according to one of the topics of the committee. I spent my time wisely and was able to write an amazing 10 pages report based on “The question of reducing pesticide use,”. During the conference, everything in my committee went smoothly and in a successful way. Although it was my first experience charing a committee, I felt so welcome and pleased by all the delegates. 

I appreciate how all the delegates were actively involved by asking other delegates questions and brought their courage into making speeches in front of the whole committee. Especially, 2 of 3 resolutions were able to successfully passed after the powerful, compelling, and persuasive debate by all the delegates. In my opinion, the conference was genuinely able to influence and inspire me in a way that makes me extremely motivated to lead the conference. 

I believe this opportunity of charing in a conference will succor me for the next expedition of Model United Nations. Truthfully, it was one of the most memorable experiences I will never forget. Still, I hope to participate in more conferences down the road.

ISPP Model United Nation, 2019

This was genuinely the first time ever I participated in a Model UN in the English language, yet it was one of the most spectacular conferences as well. This experience was full of excitement, challenge, and indeed a success. It was my privilege to represent the Delegate of Nepal in such a formal conference. I was able to meet with other delegates from different academies around Cambodia. 

All the delegates from Liger Leadership Academy

Under the theme of Giving Youth a Voice for 2019, I was a delegate of the Junior General Assembly 2 (JGA2). I believe that this theme had truthfully empowered delegates including me to speak up and share their voice. Talking about this concept, it is significantly crucial for youth to speak their voice in order to make a positive impact on their community. The conference of JGA2 was full of power and strength in which we were all actively involved by asking other fellow delegates questions. Even though it was my first time in English, I felt it was a victorious experience that I gathered all my courage to speak up and shared my voice representing the Delegate of Nepal. 

In the conference, 3 different topics were being discussed by the delegates. All 3 resolutions (toward the topic of equal access to education, moving towards sustainable energy sources, and government censorship of social media) were able to pass in the conference. 

This Model UN conference has lighted me to a new experience in which I had learned a lot of new things. From researching my topics in preparation for the conference to making speeches, and to communicating with other delegates were the skills I learned. This conference made my Model UN journey a lot more empowering and I can’t wait to continue this amazing journey.

“Your Voice Matters,” Annual Youth Talk

“The more youth begin to recognize that they have a voice, the more change is possible” — Usher 

“I am the youth. I believe that my voice matters and could make a difference to bring equality.” — Votey

In the current situation, many major global issues are threatening the lives of humanity, the natural environment as well as lives of endangered species out there. It is a significant concept that we all should collaboratively solve for a better world. I believe that the youth of this generation are raising their voices for positive changes in their communities and the world. As a teenage girl, I also want to contribute my voice to talk about some mattered issues as well. 

In the afternoon of December 21st, under the theme of “Creating the Spark”, The Annual Youth Talk was held in Nesson Cripps Academy. It was an extraordinary event that youth of grade 9 to grade 12 had the enormous opportunity to raise their voices and talked about an issue they are passionate about. The event sparked with amazing speakers each talking full of inspiration and passion. 

I was honored to be one of the speakers that had the moment to share my ideas with hundreds of people. Since the beginning, I have always been passionate in talking about gender inequality in Cambodia, as well as the world. Through different summits I have attended, I think there’s still the barrier between gender in society. 

My topic was about gender equity and equality in Cambodia society. Mostly from the past up to present, there seem to be various aspects toward gender, especially with discriminations and inequalities. In culture, girls are defined as weak, because people tend to think that they are often both emotionally and physically weak. However, this aspect doesn’t seem to be right at all. 

The purpose of my speech was indeed to change people’s mindset toward this issue and see the world equally treat both genders. In society, this kind of issue is rarely discussed and dialogue in the events. I believe that my speech had changed their mindsets so that this world can be full of equity, equality, and justice. 

Khmer Model United Nation Conference, 2019

In May 2019, the Liger Leadership Academy hosted a Khmer Model United Nation that consisted of 60 delegates from three different academies. Model UN is one of my interests and passions, in which it has grown since I participated in the first time. In my opinion, Model UN is such an impactful event to students and young minds as a young perspective in which delegates could truly understand what is happening around the world. This conference was a precious time for me and other new delegates I have never met to come together to discuss, collaboration, and debate in order to find reasonable and appropriate solutions to current global issues. 

It was a privilege for me to present the French Republic in this conference, and discussed, debated under the question of tackling food insecurity, and rights of children of incarcerated parents. By exposing these two topics, I have perceived a lot of facts and became a lot more aware of each countries food security and children’s rights.  

During the conference, I was pleased to be the main submitter on the topic of tackling food insecurity. Especially, I and the other delegates were productively participated by asking a lot of questions and do the speeches of our country’s stands. 

This conference was one of the most successful Model UN I have attended. It gave me numerous knowledge about the topics, as well as current global issues as a whole. It transformed me to become a girl with confidence and courage to speak up. Having this conference in the Khmer Language is another glorious experience to support our native language and I hope there will be more Khmer Model UN conferences in the future.

World Robotic Olympiad, Cambodia

“Every girl deserves to take part in creating the technology that will change our world and change who runs it” – Malala Yousafzai

First of all, it was an honor to be the only girl in a team of three to represent in this marvelous worldwide robotic competition. World Robotic Olympiad (WRO) is a truly global competition dedicated to science and technology to give as many young creative people all the opportunities to develop their innovation and problem-solving skills. This competition was held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia before the qualification in international competition in Thailand. Despite the little experience we had in the robotics field (since this competition was our second time), the two teams from the Liger Leadership Academy did an extraordinary job in engaging in the competition as an individual who worked hard in the team and thought of taking the skills and experiences rather than winning as a whole. 

The two teams of Liger Leadership Academy

As a member of the team, I appreciated the effort and endeavor they had put in preparation for the actual competition. This competition and the process of teamwork made me came to a realization and an understanding that teamwork is genuinely the heart of great achievement for the team. 

       This is my team

During the competition, my team did our best and we managed to priority the methods that work best for our team. We had only one chance to complete our robot and those moments were filled with excitement and nervousness. Due to the vigorous teamwork we had and our extreme confidence in our robot, that nervousness seemed to fade away on the second rounds of the three rounds. 

This competition didn’t only teach me the skills of technology, science, and teamwork, it brought me to a world that is filled with young creative minds. Most specifically, I had made a lot of new friends from the different academy and shared our robotic journey as adolescents who passionate about robotic. 


On the evening of the competition day, it came for a time to announce the winners. Both of the Liger teams are in Junior Category. What a piece of incredible and phenomenal news, my team qualified for the FIRST PLACE of junior division while the other team qualifies for SECOND PLACE. It is a successful moment for my team and my friend’s team. It was also an honor to receive our achievement trophies from the Secretary of State of Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth, Deputy Director of STEM Cambodia, and more. It is an unforgettable experience of our robotic journey.

Technovation,First place of National Pitch

I don’t have much  experiences about coding, creating an app, business, marketing or even lack of ideas about all these before  I participated in Technovation. Technovation is a program for girls to learn to create an app in order to solve the problems appearance in the community. It is my first time to join Technovation. In the same way, I highly obtain benefits of participating in this program.

It is not easy at all to work on 12 weeks to learn to code, business model or marketing plan. Technovation allows teams of girls to create an app with an great idea to help the community or society. It took me about one night to decide to join Technovation because the first time I thought that it is very very difficult to create an app. I thought in myself and later on I decided to participate in Technovation because I want to try new things.

In my team, there were five people including me. Our team’s name is Five Infinities and our app is MEP Center. Mep Center is an app to let users who are suppliers ( fixer) and customers (service receiver) in mechanical, electricity and plumbing field communicate with each other. We help the suppliers who do not have enough works can find works to do and customers can find and get to know more suppliers easily.

We have created a lot of function to ensure the quality and to make sure our app is convenient to use. When I decided to try new things, there are many good results to me. If we just do or try the thing you already know, so you don’t get or learn anything. My team passed the semi final and have the opportunity to join National pitch. In the national pitch, we went on the stage and pitched our app to the judges and audience. My team felt a little nervous but later we felt confident. As a consequent, My team won the First place of National Pitch Technovation Cambodia, going along with prices.



I am very very happy about Technovation because my team and I could create an app to help our community and we are a part of Changing Cambodia. In this program, I am very thankful to the mentors, supporters and all the people who were helping us. In addition, I felt very proud of my team and hard teamwork for receive this achievement. The other thing is that I could learn about creating app, doing business, or marketing.

As a participant in Technovation and created an app, I positively believe that girls could code and create app just like boys. Finally, I encourage all the girls to believe in themself, try new things and do anything they like without thinking about gender.

These are the news that talked about our team.